Website Launching and other Adulting


his past two months have been a whirlwind of lessons. 

Since leaving my ole 9 to 5 I have been focusing my intentions on making something for myself.  Carving out a little slice of my entrepreneurial paradise. 

I now have a studio in our extra bedroom--  A place where I can create.  

I am working on building a routine and schedule to keep my projects moving forward-- can you you say PANDA PLANNER?! and just as much as I have been working toward getting my money and business right.. I  have also been putting more time and effort into my mind and body - Walking Chicharron and drinking water. 

This growing sense of accomplishment is like a steam engine for my motivation.

As I keep doing-- the possibilities seem to expand. 

I'm not going to lie I am scared- like really really nervous- but I am lucky to have a partner who is supportive and encouraging.  I know I have a community of people who believe in me.. and If they can believe in me-- SO CAN I.

There will be ups and downs and never-ending lessons to learn-- I hope to take this in stride and keep my chin held high. 

I took the leap with a dream and purpose in mind.  

This is my reality. This is where I will focus my Presence--

Elevated Presence

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